Assessor Contact Info
Office Hours
11am - 3pm
8:30am - 3pm
Did you know…You can get all assessment related forms, find answers to FAQ, look up inventory of properties in Darien, find tax bills, see satellite imagery & photos of homes in Darien.
- On the left, choose Quick Property Search or Advanced Property Search
- You can search by owner, address, or tax map number
- Check to make sure the photo is accurate. Please call this office with any concerns
It's remarkable all the information you can gather on this site. If you want to do research on your home or municipality this is the place to start! You can check your current assessment, exemption(s) status, and physical information about your property. You're also able to research other properties, even going to other municipalities in Genesee County. If you would like to research recent property sales information you can search by town or a specific street. You'll be able to find sale price, lot size, square footage and more. This is a great way to see how your home compares with others in the area.
If you disagree with your assessment, there's information about the informal review process with PDF forms to print out to guide you through the process.
Please be assured that the goal of the assessor's office is to correctly describe each property and determine the fair and equitable assessment for your property.
- March 1st - Taxable Status Date – deadline for filing exemption applications
- May 1st – Tentative Assessment Roll is filed
- 1st Monday in June – Grievance Day – Board of Assessment Review meets to hear all properly filed complaints regarding assessment
- July 1st – Final Assessment Roll is filed – this is used for tax purposes for the next year
Board of Assessment Review:
Brandon Calmes, Anthony Hackett, Greg Podsiadlo

Town Hall
10569 Alleghany Road
Darien Center, NY 14040